Off the grid (wip)
Off The Grid (OTG), a new AAA Battle Royale 2.0 third person shooter set in a dystopian cyberpunk future.

⚠️ This game is in progress, please come back after the game is launched for more info.

Project Information



Dive into the heat of a covert corporate war in Off The Grid, a cyberpunk Battle Royale 2.0 where you shape the story and the gameplay. Unfolding on a dystopian tropical island, OTG sends you on head-spinning assassination and sabotage missions to the greater glory and market share of your chosen faction. Tool up in 2023, it’s about to get bloody!

Responsibilities / My Contributions

▶️ During my time working at Gunzilla, I was the location owner for multiple locations. Creating locations from pre-production, blockout to final quality. As the location owner, I guarantee the design principles, playable + fun aspect for the player and delegated JIRA tasks along my teammates who helped me out with building the locations.

▶️ I had the opportunity to personally mentor a junior level designer in the team, who recently got promoted to intermediate level designer.

▶️ Created Blender Workshops for other level designers in my team to improve on their 3d modeling skills, allowing them to block out levels faster.

Location Creation for a Battle Royale

More info soon...

Improving Flow and Combat Opportunities in MP games

While improving the gameplay for locations and in between them, you will have to be able to envision how different type of players will run through your world. Every player got a different playstyle and will react differently based on the situation.

As designers we cannot control each player individually but we can make a design to influence their decision making by for example making it clear to the player what type of space they are in and what playstyle would be best. In a battle royale players get funneled based on the infamous "circle of death" and potentially also by objectives like a "bounty hunt".

As a level designer we can control this even more by clarifying the gameplay intentions within our levels. Through funneling, variation in contrast and density of loot, cover and vertical elements.

Short ranged players will want to avoid open spaces and would hug closer to cover assets, snaking their way through the area. Snipers on the other hand would prefer an area where they can have a nice uninterrupted line of sight. In "Off the Grid'' cyberlimbs will overwrite how conventional players will play the game. As an example, with the road runner legs, short ranged players are now able to run across open fields to close the distance on long ranged players and give them a fighting chance. On the flip side, snipers can place traps within closed areas to control the flow of enemies.
